During the Covid lockdown, why not visit the Virtual Sunday School channel YouTube? It’s been started during the pandemic whilst it’s not possible to meet physically.
Sunday School Play and Catch-up
It’s been so long since we’ve all been together! We’d love to meet up, now we can, and find out what’s been going on for everyone, share time together and learn about Jesus. Please put these dates in your diary and come along for outdoor fun, stories, games and snacks.
Where: Fletcher Centre garden (or in church if weather is wet)
When: Sunday 25th April, Sunday 23rd May, Sunday 27th June, Sunday 25th July, 4-5pm
What: Fun, games, a Bible story, snacks, craft or activities.
Who: Sunday School children aged 3-11 and their parent/carer. Adults need to stay during the event.
How: Book in via the link in the church calendar: go to the What’s On page and click on the ‘Sunday School Play and Catch-up event.
Parking in the Fletcher Centre – please drive carefully as children may already be about. Bring a coat, and a rug or garden chair if you can.
The first Sunday School Play and Catch Up – April 2021.